Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> fre 2007-04-06 klockan 21:37 +0100 skrev Nick Kew:
>>> What about modifying mod_ftp USER directive to accept username in the
>>> format of [EMAIL PROTECTED], and tokenize user as the username, host as the
>>> http-ish Host: virtual host name?
>> Sounds fair, provided the protocol doesn't assign some (different)
>> semantics to that.
> FTP as such doesn't assign any semantic on the syntax of usernames, but
> very many FTP firewalls/proxies do...

I'm thinking of providing a directive to supply an alternate/additional
semantic separator...

Firefox is fine with...


but it's odd enough I wouldn't trust that to be consistently supported,
and you raise a good point with proxy/firewalls.

So if, for example, the admin wanted to define & as the alternative
separator, ftp://me&myhost:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ would be a little less ambiguous
to browser-style schemas.

As it turns out it's impossible to proceed without solving the subreq
issue first - bah.  So I'll come back to this idea after I've refactored
ftp_command.c to speak in top level requests.


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