Brian J. France wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Jakob Goldbach wrote:
>>> -1 on the face of things.  The map_to_storage hook was added to
>>> accomplish what you desire.
>> I thought map_to_storage was made to do per-dir configuration. Not
>> path-translation.

Actually it does both.  An amusing use case is

>> The problem is not really doing the translation. I can always provide
>> my own translate handler in my module.
>> But in the current API I cannot to set my env. variables at will. They
>> will be overwritten by ap_add_common_vars which returns
>> carved-in-stone docroot from ap_document_root.
> We need this same functionality (would like to back port to 2.2 if
> possible).
> We currently hack the doc root in the post read hook in 1.3, would like
> to be able to do it with out hacking the core and screwing around with
> internal structs at runtime.

I don't quite see this happening, but maybe.  If the docroot could be
cached from the translate_name/map_to_storage phase, you could obviously
abuse it as necessary.

>> I thought a document_root hook was more elegant. Or maybe a
>> add_common_vars hook? [I would be happy to supply it]

***ding ding ding*** - hooking add_common_vars is something I could get

>> What's so bad about ap_document_root?  I know the source says 'dont
>> use' because it won't be right with mod_userdir etc. But with a hook
>> it would be possible to get right.

What is the docroot of - is it the
path to /user/webapp/ or somewhere in the admin's htdoc?  I find the
concept fundamentally flawed :)

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