On 5/4/07 7:42 PM, "Rici Lake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In Lua, setting to nil is equivalent to deletion. So I think this should be:
>   if (lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)
>     apr_table_unset(t, key);
>   else {
>     const char *val = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
>     apr_table_set(t, key, val);
>   }


>   if (val == NULL)
>     lua_pushnil(L);
>   else
>     lua_pushstring(L, val);


> Agreed. Also, it's misleading -- they are APR tables, not Lua tables.

Brian M. changed this before committing, I think.


> This is poor Lua style. You shouldn't assume (or require) the stack to
> be empty at the start of the function. Use top-relative (negative) indices
> instead -- they are no slower.

Until a day before I submitted patch, I had never touched Lua, so I'm sure I
have bad style and form :)

> Also use lua_{get,set}field for clarity, and luaL_register (luaL_openlib
> is deprecated).

I had been using the PiL 5.0 for docs and lua-users.org was down most of
last week.  I got hard copy of 5.1 PiL this weekend, so maybe my style will
improve ;)

Thanks for all the pointers.  I think mod_wombat is almost in a state where
I can start actually working on the original problem I needed to solve.

Question:  what would be the best way to load "other modules" to mod_wombat
(not apache modules). For example, I want/need to load the lua pcre stuff,
but I don't want to write a new apache module just to hook that into
mod_wombat.  I am new to Lua, so I am sure there is a better way.  Can ping
me off list if this seems OT for httpd-dev

Brian Akins
Chief Operations Engineer
Turner Digital Media Technologies

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