On 05/21/2007 11:29 PM, Stuart Children wrote:

> It would be nice to have the connection timeout as a proper directive -
> rather than only as a parameter to ProxyPass - so that people enabling
> mod_proxy via other mechanisms can set it. Also so that you can set a

This issue is addressed on trunk in r427920 / r427928, which allows you
to set all worker parameters (not only timeout) via a <Proxy > section
for this worker, either by specifying them directly in <Proxy > or by
using ProxySet inside the Proxy section for this worker. Very useful if
you use the proxy via mod_rewrite.

> default in one place, rather than having to repeat it in multiple
> ProxyPass statements.

Should be fixed as soon as ProxyTimeout is the fallback for a specific worker
timeout. Currently you have the server Timeout working as this.



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