Nick Kew wrote:
Our subrequest API currently handles only local subrequests,
so for example mod_include doesn't support
<!--#include virtual=""-->.
I've worked around this in the past with some ugly hacks.

Looking at the code, it's actually very simple to build
in support for remote URLs into the subrequest mechanism
using mod_proxy.  I've just test-driven a patch comprising
just six lines of code (attached), and it works.

The patch still needs attention to escaping, but before
I deal with that, can I ask for votes on the concept?
Is there any reason not to add this feature?

I've wanted this feature in mod-include for years, and have been too lazy to do it.
(relying on custom module hacks to implement it)

as for PHP security holes.. maybe a config option or something to enable/disable it.

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