On Wed, 28 Nov 2007 13:19:34 +0200 (SAST)
"Graham Leggett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, November 28, 2007 1:06 pm, Nick Kew wrote:
> > Agreed.  As it happens, I started on exactly that this morning,
> > before having to turn my attention away from hacking.  With a bit
> > of luck I'll find the time to come up with something working
> > this evening or tomorrow.  I expect this to answer my own point
> > in http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=119439091917387&w=2
> > and generalise to enable us to introduce new -Options.
> I sat for ages trying to decide on a suitable syntax for this. One
> option was to use the function(parameter) syntax used by programming
> languages, or SQL, but that meant possible major surgery to a piece
> of code that has been quiet and stable for years.
> Eventually I followed the thinking that the conditional parse mostly
> follows the conditional handling of /bin/sh, and using the -x syntax
> is an extension of /bin/sh, or test. The choice of -A was based on it
> not clashing with any other tests in /bin/sh, which has no concept of
> access or URLs (it has a concept of "read" bit set, but I figured
> that a future mod_include might want to care if the "read" bit was
> set on a file (you never know), so I kept it safe).

OK, fairy nuff I understand the shell args derivation, and that's
fine by me.  I'd prefer "-A /foo/bar.txt < 400", but I'm happy
to accept your version.

What I don't like about the patch is the evaluation inline within
the parser.  I'm updating my working version to pass in an evaluation
function for shell-stuff, but there's no way that's going to make 2.2.7.
So in the meantime, I attach a patch that puts the evaluation and
subrequest stuff into a separate function, in preparation for taking
the parser from mod_include to core at a future date.  Patch attached.

If you're happy with this minor reorganisation of your proposal,
then you have my +1 on it.

Nick Kew

Application Development with Apache - the Apache Modules Book
Index: mod_include.c
--- mod_include.c	(revision 598296)
+++ mod_include.c	(working copy)
@@ -1034,6 +1034,7 @@
     case '-':
         if (**parse == 'A' && (ctx->intern->accessenable)) {
             TYPE_TOKEN(token, TOKEN_ACCESS);
+            token->value = *parse;
             return 0;
@@ -1121,12 +1122,40 @@
     return unmatched;
+static int process_flag(include_ctx_t *ctx, parse_node_t *current)
+    request_rec *r = ctx->intern->r;
+    request_rec *rr;
+    if (current->token.value[0] != 'A') {
+        return 1;  /* no such flag */
+    }
+    if (current->left || !current->right ||
+        (current->right->token.type != TOKEN_STRING &&
+         current->right->token.type != TOKEN_RE)) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    current->right->token.value =
+        ap_ssi_parse_string(ctx, current->right->token.value, NULL, 0,
+                            SSI_EXPAND_DROP_NAME);
+    rr = ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(current->right->token.value, r, NULL);
+    /* 400 and higher are considered access denied */
+    if (rr->status < HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) {
+        current->value = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        current->value = 0;
+        ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rr->status, r, 
+                      "mod_include: The tested "
+                      "subrequest -A \"%s\" returned an error code.",
+                      current->right->token.value);
+    }
+    ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
+    return 0;
 static int parse_expr(include_ctx_t *ctx, const char *expr, int *was_error)
     parse_node_t *new, *root = NULL, *current = NULL;
     request_rec *r = ctx->intern->r;
-    request_rec *rr = NULL;
     const char *error = "Invalid expression \"%s\" in file %s";
     const char *parse = expr;
     int was_unmatched = 0;
@@ -1482,31 +1511,13 @@
         case TOKEN_ACCESS:
-            if (current->left || !current->right ||
-                (current->right->token.type != TOKEN_STRING &&
-                 current->right->token.type != TOKEN_RE)) {
+            *was_error = process_flag(ctx, current);
+            if (*was_error) {
                 ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
-                            "Invalid expression \"%s\" in file %s: Token '-A' must be followed by a URI string.",
-                            expr, r->filename);
-                *was_error = 1;
+                              "Invalid expression \"%s\" in file %s: Token '-A' must be followed by a URI string.",
+                              expr, r->filename);
                 return 0;
-            current->right->token.value =
-                ap_ssi_parse_string(ctx, current->right->token.value, NULL, 0,
-                                    SSI_EXPAND_DROP_NAME);
-            rr = ap_sub_req_lookup_uri(current->right->token.value, r, NULL);
-            /* 400 and higher are considered access denied */
-            if (rr->status < HTTP_BAD_REQUEST) {
-                current->value = 1;
-            }
-            else {
-                current->value = 0;
-                ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rr->status, r, 
-                              "mod_include: The tested "
-                              "subrequest -A \"%s\" returned an error code.",
-                              current->right->token.value);
-            }
-            ap_destroy_sub_req(rr);
         case TOKEN_RE:

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