On Wed, November 28, 2007 1:06 pm, Nick Kew wrote:

> Agreed.  As it happens, I started on exactly that this morning,
> before having to turn my attention away from hacking.  With a bit
> of luck I'll find the time to come up with something working
> this evening or tomorrow.  I expect this to answer my own point
> in http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=119439091917387&w=2
> and generalise to enable us to introduce new -Options.

I sat for ages trying to decide on a suitable syntax for this. One option
was to use the function(parameter) syntax used by programming languages,
or SQL, but that meant possible major surgery to a piece of code that has
been quiet and stable for years.

Eventually I followed the thinking that the conditional parse mostly
follows the conditional handling of /bin/sh, and using the -x syntax is an
extension of /bin/sh, or test. The choice of -A was based on it not
clashing with any other tests in /bin/sh, which has no concept of access
or URLs (it has a concept of "read" bit set, but I figured that a future
mod_include might want to care if the "read" bit was set on a file (you
never know), so I kept it safe).


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