Guenter Knauf wrote:
Hi Bill,
   Any concerns with my new approach?
no real concerns - but personally I would prefer to have the load statements 
inside each conf file;
also because for now we anyway distribute it separately, and once we have it 
inside httpd then anyway things might go other ways - f.e. I till then merge my 
separate awk script into the main one we use for all other confs...; also keep 
in mind that normally I cant process the httpd.conf in use, nor install into a 
running httpd place; I have to create distribution-like archives for NetWare;
expect 99.9% of the users use a binary distribution, and I think for Win32 it 
might also 95+% probably...
If possible I would like to have that in for now which makes it easier to 
replace  - I commented it so that it cant hurt elsewhere; but if you want to 
remove then ok...

Keep in mind we can't use @@LoadModules@@ though - not with a in tree build.

What about @@LoadFtpModules@@ instead?  If that's the preference, I don't
mind changing the unix/win32 direction either.

how about other replacements to come closer to what we have in / ?

f.e. s/\/logs\//\/@[EMAIL PROTECTED]//g and so on (path to certs etc.), and 
quoting these also?

+1; I don't see it as a 0.9.1 beta showstopper, but it would be great.

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