On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

- IMHO the example file should not override the default DocumentRoot,
  ErrorLog etc. As most other things in the file, it should be
  commented out by default.

We have a specialized ftproot so we don't make assumptions for the user,
and the install creates that empty dir (alongside in parallel to docroot)
although we could add an ftproot/SUCCESS file or something pretty easily
by adding that to docs/ftproot/ of the project.

Keep in mind all the fools who put their scripts and "secret" content in
the docroot, I don't know that docroot is really a valid default unless
they take 10 minutes to think about it, eh?

Ah, good point.

- ftp should be added as a valid Anonymous ftp access username (the
  Anonymous directive).

e.g. user ftp pass blah?  Ok, not so familiar with that semantic myself,
but feel free to commit.

It's pretty common. Not a biggie though.

However, starting the thing yields:
Invalid command 'Anonymous', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Missing mod_authn_anon?

Indeed. Which means the the anonftp-stuff should be wrapped inside a suiting <IfModule> clause...

Commenting out the whole "Anonymous ftp access" block makes the thing start, accepting anonymous access.

So I didn't see this problem, but I'm using stock builds and fedora 8 to
check this out, so far running that tree authless (meaning it's whatever
user/pass they provide) and read only (just as you had).

Whatever user/pass suits us fine for readonly access, it's probably even documented somewhere if I am competent in reading ;)

However, I found a slight bug that might be my configuration or something worse: httpd won't serve http when I have mod_ftp with accompanying config enabled. It reads the request and then closes the connection, it doesn't even log anything in the error log despite logging at debug level...

I'll probably wont get around to debugging this until next year, just wanted to give you a heads up that there is something fishy going on...

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I'm McMahon of Borg. You may already have been assimilated.

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