Creating strong Etags would be not to difficult, if the WebDAV repository is only changed by mod_dav. To me it seems not very important, how exactly the strong Etag is created: (filesize+inode+counter, counter only, locking the file for one second, enforcing an inode-change. All this can work. Even delaying some PUT-requests (because of locking) would not be a problem, as it would occur rarely. But the problem is, that mod_dav might be bypassed. There are just two possible solutions:

1) make sure, mod_dav can reliable detect any changes by what ever means they are made

2) put the responsibility on the administrator.

As I cannot see any realistic solution according 1), I propose solution 2). The suggested check for changes made outside of mod_dav is only meant to catch *most* of the errors made by administrators. It cannot be reliable, and is not meant to take the responsibility from the administrator.

A configuration option should allow the administrator to deny his/her responsibility. Doing so, the WebDav-server can no longer create strong Etags it will get inefficient and unreliable. But this would at least be the responsibility of the administrator. The documentation has to be very clear about this.

Concerning Etags outside of WebDAV:

Henrik Nordström wrote:
> ..., and the weak ETag may be useful to
> intermediaries which implements local If-None-Match processing so
> sending a weak etag is actually better than none, especially so if the
> object Vary:es..
I have no idea what this would be. Can you give a *short* outline?
Please note: The weak Etags generated by Apache will *never* match. So the only way I see, how Apache's weak Etags could be used, is to ignore the weakness indicator, as I do in davfs2. But this is of course not how weak Etags are meant to work and includes some risk. So I still think: Apache's weak Etags are *none*-Etags and simply imply no-cache. It would be better to say this in the clear.
BTW: IIS seems to do the same, but this doesn't make it better.


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