I proposed to not only drop that *none*-Etag, but also to send no-cache. The second is an error. The server should not send no-cache, but let it to the client and the intermediate caches to decide about caching on the base of the spec and their configured policy. But I still believe dropping that *none*-Etag is the best.

Henrik Nordström wrote:
Clietn -> Squid -[internet]-> Apache

the object in question is having a weak ETag but significant freshness
assigned to it via mod_expires or similar.

object gets cached by Squid & client with a weak etag

client later issues an IF-None-Match request to Squid using the weak
ETag. Squid considers the object still fresh and responds with 304.

- Squid seems not to take any information from the Etag.

- if the client has the etag and the entity (aka variant), it also has the freshness information from Expires or max-age. It will not contact Squid at all.

- is it wise to send an Expires header and an Etag? I don't think so. These are two alternative ways of cache validation. Using both is confusing. Which one has preference? An Etag implies an If-(None)-Match conditional request; what's the use of Expires?

- if a client lost the expires header as well as the confusing Etag and sends GET If-Unmodified-Since, how would Squid respond? I guess: 304.

So I don't think Squid or the clients will loose anything, when the invalid Etag is dropped.

There might be a one in a million chance (I don't know how), that this invalid Etag will save the transfer of an 1 MByte file from Squid to client. But this is not worth the confusion.


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