On 1/3/08, Guenter Knauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > No it didn't.
> > I got a few notes on this though:
> > 1) in the 2.0 tree is there a loggers subfolder in the source tree?
> > I'm not sure been a long time since I looked at it.
> yes.
> > 2) APACHE2_HOME points to the install dir of apache and not to the
> > source IIRC? so there wouldn't be a modules subfolder there anyway.
> sorry, yes, this only works for in-tree compile;
> somehow we have not thought yet about this;
> its not only for mod_log_config.h , but also mod_dav.h, mod_proxy.h an 
> probably some more module headers are missing in the installed include dir...
> perhaps we should think of a subfolder 'module_headers' or such, and move 
> these headers to there, or at least create such a folder with install and 
> copy the module headers there....

I see... thats a complicated problem then :(
maybe keep the same layout as the source?

include/ <- general files + apr (like it is now)

to keep the organized?

Just wondering are big changes like that allowed on 2.2? or if this
gets correct only be in trunk?

> BTW. if you compiled with 2.0.x - how did you get around the missing 
> apr_strtoff() issue then?
I didn't, I was just wondering if the source layout (aka having
modules/loggers) sub folder in the 2.0 source aswel. I can't remember
if it had.

> Guenter.


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