On Feb 18, 2008, at 3:39 PM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Feb 18, 2008 2:49 PM, Jorge Schrauwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
true but like Roy said if mod_dns is allready in use a new name will
need to be found no?

The mod_dns listed on Freshmeat looks like it was lasted changed in
2001 and was only for 1.3.  We could drop a line to the guy and see if
he minds us using the name for our module.  If he replies that's it's
okay, I'd like to see us use mod_dns.  But, if he doesn't reply or
says no, then we should find another name...  -- justin

Why bother?  The presence of mod_dns, already performing a different
purpose, makes confusion of users likely.  The name mod_named more
accurately reflects what this new module is supposed to do, and its
only use was in a discussion by Eli Marmor about this contribution.
Let's take the easy road.


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