Plüm wrote:

2. My feeling regarding the usage of 2.2 is that since about 6 month we are 
   track as commercial 3rd parties now supply modules for httpd 2.2. This means 
   will have to maintain one more stable branch for quite some time and to be 
   currently we effectively manage only one since 1.3 and also 2.0 seem to be 
   abandoned. I am not quite sure if we have enough resources to do this.

Perhaps 1.3 is maintained, perhaps not, just depending on if there
are enough developers who care to provide minor patches.  But it
really shouldn't be a distraction.

Once folks accept 2.2 as a clean replacement for 2.0 (we are essentially
there now, I think, perhaps after one or two more point-bumps), 2.0 should
fall off the radar entirely.

This 2.2 becomes stable, so we are really only talking about supporting
a 2.2 and a 2.4 for a while, then 2.4 and a 3.0.

I'd -1 a 2.4.0 release today, because nobody has even bothered to make
a candidate for 2.3-dev.  Auth logic changes break most if not all third
party auth modules (broke an auth feature in mod_ftp).  Not talking about
commercial modules .... but every third party auth extension out there.

The only thing I'd like to change before we push 2.3-dev onto our module
developer community is to enhance the methods logic (64 is now insufficient
when you add DAV + FTP + {whatever} into the method stew) and drop the
<Limit > directive already for the <Method > directive.  These have some
subtle auth-changes that a few auth module authors need to compensate for.

(The third party auth modules that won't change are the ones that are
already broken for <Limit > ... who won't have to do anything special in
support of the <Method > directive.)

I'll commit the <Method > changes before the hackathon so that folks can
corner me in person, dev@ list feedback will also be welcome as always.
Just to prove I'm not being a prick with respect to Lua support, I'm working
on <Method > as an add in module ;-)


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