Roy T. Fielding wrote:

New features belong in modules so that they don't get compiled into
the server by those of us who don't want that feature.  I don't recall
why or how KeptBodySize made it into http_filter (where it does not belong),
but I am quite certain that the core will not be parsing HTTP body content
any time soon.  So, either find another way or remove the feature as well.

Before I waste another few weeks of my time finding a way only to have it shot down right at the end, I would appreciate some help with finding out a way to do this in advance.

util_filter.c is actually http_module, which is not the core, or do you disagree, yes?

If I can find a way to introduce another module into modules/http to provide HTTP support services like the KeptBody stuff and the ability to parse a form, which an admin can choose to not enable, will this be sufficient?


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