jean-frederic clere wrote:
IMHO we already forward them escaped. The problem is that things get
unescaped first and for reserved characters like ';' this process
cannot be reverted. So if the original URL contained an escaped ';'
the forwarded one will contain a literal ';'.
With mod_proxy or better ProxyPass you already can get around this
by specifying the nocanon option which causes the the original
URL to be forwarded (much like JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed).
No nocanon doesn't do that. it use url (in which the %3B is already converted in ;) instead the r->unparsed_uri.
And that would be JK_OPT_FWDURICOMPATUNPARSED and not ForwardURIEscaped.
To get ForwardURIEscaped we could call ap_escape_uri() on url.
I can confirm that using ProxyPass and nocanon does not solve the problem -- I just tested this.

Jess Holle

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