And FWIW the backends also seem to have keepalives disabled.

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Adam Woodworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I tried using the "SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1" option in httpd.conf,
>>> and it cleared up the proxy errors that I was having with an IIS
>>> backend server, and it may have decreased the proxy errors with Apache
>>> backend servers as well.
>>> I tried again without the proxy-nokeepalive option, and the proxy
>>> errors increased.  Put it back, they decreased dramatically again.
>>> Turns out that mod_proxy always sends "Connection: Keep-Alive", but
>>> with "proxy-nokeepalive 1", mod_proxy will always send "Connection:
>>> Close".
>>> The backends in my case are all responding with "Connection: Close",
>>> so the backends aren't even allowing Keep-Alives, regardless of
>>> whether mod_proxy sends "Connection: Close" or "Connection:
>>> Keep-Alive".
>> So you have either set
>> force-proxy-request-1.0 and thus are doing HTTP/1.0 requests to your
>> backend or
>> your backend has keepalives disabled.
> No, like I said above, I'm using "proxy-nokeepalive" to force
> mod_proxy to send "Connection: Close".

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