On 09/20/2008 12:21 PM, Nick Kew wrote:

On 19 Sep 2008, at 23:08, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 09/19/2008 11:24 PM, Adam Woodworth wrote:

The problem with this is that it will also do this for connections to
the backend that timed out.  For our application, we want actual
timeouts to be caught as normal and kicked back through to the client
as a 50x error.

Hm. Good point. I have to think about it, because a timeout error can
justify  a repeated request (like when a firewall between frontend and
backend cut the connection and now the packets are simply dropped by
the firewall and a fresh one would fix this).

I think Adam is right.  The justification for the RFC-breaking connection
drop is IIRC that it's merely propagating the same from the backend
to the client.  That doesn't apply in the case of a timeout.

Yes, I came to the same conclusion in the meantime. The firewall drop can be
prevented by setting keepalive to on. Furthermore the typical keepalive timeouts
for http connections are way below the typical firewall timeouts. So if we
get back APR_TIMEUP we can safely assume that the backend did not respond in
a timely manner. Looking at his patch I think it looks basically fine.
Hope to find some time for a closer look and a commit later on.



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