I'm thinking of tagging 2.3.0 alpha a month before we gather in New Orleans
for ApacheCon 2008/US <http://us.apachecon.com/c/acus2008/> so that we can
begin to gather community feedback and actually /do/ something about it at
the hackathon.

Ok, I'm using 'we' sort of liberally, I'm training a day of httpd all day
Mon, and Rich takes the stage Tuesday which happens to be BarCamp day moreso
than hackathon.  Since it doesn't look likely for me to do so much hacking,
the least I can do is offer to RM the first alpha.

Which brings me to the other half of [community], I'm proposing we hold
an Apache httpd {next} barcamp session for the community who are at
ApacheCon BarCamp on Tuesday to learn about what has changed, what might
change, and perhaps if we get enough folks to express interest ... about
what they want to change.  Think in terms of Rich's "What I hate about
Apache", x 15 voices or so :)


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