Akins, Brian wrote on 2008年9月3日 7:54
Egads, no wonder they got such horrible performance. Worker (or event, maybe) seems to be the best way to go, at least based on our testing.
Yes, Worker can work much better, but seems to be basically the same order of magnitute as threads on Windows (still far more less scalable in terms of concurrent connections than Nginx). Maybe you have "super-optimized" hardware and system?
... We run internal benchmarks often and collect a lot of performance statistics from live traffic (response times, etc.) We also, however, do not run any vendor supplied httpd build, either. RedHat's, for example, is not for production websites, IMO.
So I wonder perhaps next time you guys may bother to take time to also run Nginx on your platform and tell us how it performs against your httpd build...
Bing ---- Bing Swen (孙斌) School of EE & CS, Peking University, Beijing 100871 Tel:86-10-62753081 ext 102 Fax: 86-10-62759444 [EMAIL PROTECTED]