> I forgot to mention, but I need the number of packets / bytes per HTTP
> request and log it to a database with other information. So I guess
> that would take case of all the hairy stuff. I think I will give it a
> go as you recommend with an input and output filter that only counts
> the bytes and just passes on the data, unless somebody comes with a
> better idea (what about the content-length for example, can I trust
> this?). I understood from your email that the headers are counted with
> it (I never wrote a filter before) and that's exactly what I need.
Would mod_logio be at all helpful?


I haven't looked into it, but the source might give you some ideas. You
may even have a direct solution if you use a module that logs directly
to a database. I must admit that I don't know offhand if such a module


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