>> A quick search reveals that there are some modules out there that do log
>> to databases, but I don't know how well-maintained they are (mod_log_sql
>> only mentions Apache 2.0, for example) or how much work they would be to
>> use (an O'Reilly page
>> <http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/apache/2005/02/10/database_logs.html?page=2>
>> suggests that Apache's default mod_log_config needs to be rebuilt).
> Since Apache 2.1 there is mod_dbd that makes it pretty easy to log to
> a MySQL, sqlite2/3 and Postgres database. It also takes care of
> connection pooling.
Ah. I'm planning to use mod_dbd myself for a project, but I wasn't aware
it provided any logging ability.


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