William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Kevac Marko wrote:
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Paul Querna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
mod_heartmonitor: Collects these Multicast heartbeats for other modules to
Interesting. Is there other modules that create separate thread(s) for
bypassing request-response thing?

Considered doing this for the data vs. control channel of mod_ftp, but it's
essentially not necessary and introduces additional overhead to set up and
tear down threads during operation.  A thread pool was an alternative, but
in the end, it looked too expensive to consider.

For beartbeat/heartmonitor, originally, I wrote them to spawn a thread off the master process, but code running as root sucks, and if there were any problems like it crashing, it would fubar up the entire httpd process chain.

Later I moved it to using a thread on each worker process, since if it crashes, I still have other workers, and now the code is running in the child without privileges.

If the core fully supported UDP and multicast listeners, it should be possible to write the heartmonitor module as just a protocol module, although heartbeat would still likely need its current structure.


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