On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 4:21 AM, Bertrand Mansion <bmans...@mamasam.net> wrote:

.. snip ..

> I have
> followed the development of mod_wombat and noticed that you changed
> the way headers_in and headers_out are accessed, they were previously
> tables

I would actually prefer to make them tables again -- in particular, to
put the  apr_table_t instance directly in as a boxed userdata.

Paul, any particular reason for making it a function rather than userdata?

> Anyway, with this patch, you can do:
> r:headers_out('Location', 'http://www.example.com') -- set the Location header
> r:headers_out('Location) -- return the current value for header Location
> r:headers_out('Location', nil) -- unset the Location header
> There might be other options I haven't implemented for example:
> r.headers_out['Location'] = 'http://www.example.com' -- like in
> previous versions of mod_wombat
>  or
> r:headers_out{Location = 'http://www.example.com} -- but then it
> becomes harder to unset a header (?)
>  or
> r.headers_out:set('Location', 'http://www.example.com')
> r.headers_out:get('Location')
> r.headers_out:unset('Location')
> -----
> Bertrand Mansion
> Mamasam

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