Hi --

I wrote:

   The httpd-mod_fcgid.xml file is my first whack at the IP clearance

  I renamed this .xml.utf8 this morning because I realized it has some
non-ASCII UTF-8 character sequences in it.  I don't know if those will
pass through the Incubator's XML-to-HTML transformation smoothly; if not,
they could probably be removed.

4) The code package is a checkout of the CVS trunk from SourceForge;
   all I've done is insert LICENSE and NOTICE files, add AL 2.0 license
   text to all .c, .h, .rc, and .mk files (following the httpd example)
   and prune out some small text and CVS files.

  Assuming the Incubator IP clearance review passes, I'd suggest that
we import the code into SVN by starting not with this temporary package,
but with a cvs2svn export of the SourceForge commit history.  The
relicensing can then follow as a single subsequent commit.  Sound OK?

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