Hracek, Petr wrote:

I am migrating apache module from version 1.3.41 to version 2.2.3
All seems to be OK but only one thing remains as not working and I have no idea 
how to solve
it in Apache 2.2.
In the version 1.3.41 I used to following code for sending data to client:
ap_soft_timeout ("TEXT MESSAGE",r);
How can send data to client on Apache 2.2?

Apache v2.0 (and v2.2) introduced the concept of an input and an output filter stack to handle the problem of reading from and writing to the network.

The input filter stack is a chain of code that reads data in from the network. Filters in the stack along the way might uncompress the data, decrypt the data, or do any of a number of things to the data before handing the data to you.

The output filter stack is a chain of code that writes data to the network, and is the one you want to care about. The output filter stack might encrypt, compress, chunk or otherwise process the data you send, and you don't need to know or care how this is done.

The filter stacks solved a long standing problem in Apache 1.3, which if you wanted to process data that was entering or leaving the server, you couldn't really without hacking away at the core.

So, to come round and actually answer your question, in Apache v2.2, you want to write your data to the output filter stack.

The best examples are in the webserver itself. The least confusing module to use as an example would probably be the status_handler function inside mod_status, which uses ap_rputs() and ap_rvputs() to write strings to the network, which sounds like what you are doing.

If you want to have more control over the data you are sending, you can call ap_pass_brigade() to "write" some data, in the form of a bucket bridge, to the network in your response.

This second option allows you to send any number of things to the network, from static areas of memory, to files on disk, in a very efficient way. For more information about bucket brigades, read the docs for the bucket brigade API in APR:


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