On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Chris Darroch <chr...@pearsoncmg.com> wrote:
>  One thought I had overnight is that you might, if you like, want
> to tackle the init SQL patch first, which seems unrelated to the
> multiple pools idea and significantly simpler, easier to review,
> and probably easier to backport as well.


> Can you provide an example of how such initialization SQL queries
> would be used?  And, as a question, might it be necessary for such
> queries to run before any other SQL queries are prepared?  IIRC
> in the patch they are run after the other queries are prepared, but
> if they were truly required for connection initialization, they'd
> need to be absolutely first, no?

Prepared statements are not executed, just parsed (simplified), so no,
it is not important for initialization statement to be before prepared

Marko Kevac

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