Sorry for coming into this discussion late.

I think this is an excellent set of patches.  I had developed a similar
enhancement to allow mod_dbd to connect with multiple databases at my last
job but never had a chance to make it available here.  Your version is far
more clever and configurable.

I did have one minor nit to pick with the implementation of the DBDInitSQL
command.  A user might presume that the order of commands listed in the
config file would be preserved when the commands are run.  By using a hash
table, you'll likely get a random order causing problems.  For example,
perhaps the user needs to first load one table then choose a subset from
that first table to file another; if you run them in the reserve order, the
second table will likely be empty. :(

If you choose not to change the implementation, then the documentation
should make this clear.


Principal Software Engineer for Hire

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