> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Querna [mailto:p...@querna.org] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:54 PM
> To: dev@httpd.apache.org
> Cc: d...@apr.apache.org; Jonathan Leighton; Preethi Natarajan 
> (prenatar)
> Subject: Re: HTTP over SCTP
> Please post the patches, preferablly against trunk:
> <http://httpd.apache.org/dev/patches.html>
> Once we see the patches we will be in a much better position 
> to give feedback,


Sometime ago, we were directed to do the same. You can find a report (and
patch) here -- https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37202.

Breifly, the mods to httpd/APR are:
- new Listen directive to include the transport information (I believe this
piece created some discussion and we didn't arrive at any conclusion).
- changes to configure files to detect sendmsg and recvmsg in the system to
send/recv on specific SCTP streams. 

We would also like to explore the possibility of introducing new send and
recv APIs that can have the SCTP stream ID as another argument -- kind of
wrappers for sctp_sendmsg and sctp_recvmsg. 


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