jean-frederic clere wrote:
Should general support for a query URL be provided in mod_proxy_balancer? Or should this be left to mod_cluster?
Can you explain more? I don't get the question.
What I mean is

  1. Should mod_proxy_balancer be extended to provide a balancer
     algorithm in which one specifies a backend URL that will provide a
     single numeric health metric, throttle the number of such requests
     via a time-to-live associated with this information, and balance
     on this basis or
  2. Should mod_cluster handle this issue?
  3. Or both?
         * For instance, mod_cluster might leverage special nuances in
           AJP, JBoss, and Tomcat, whereas mod_proxy_balancer might
           provide more generic support for helath checks on any back
           end server that can expose a health metric URL.

From your response below, it sounds like you're saying it's #2, which is /largely /fine and good -- but this raises questions:

  1. How general is the health check metric in mod_cluster?
         * I only care about Tomcat backends myself, but control over
           the metric would be good.
  2. Does this require special JBoss nuggets in Tomcat?
         * I'd hope not, i.e. that this is a simple matter of a
           pre-designated URL or a very simple standalone socket protocol.
  3. When will mod_cluster support health metric based balancing of Tomcat?
  4. How "disruptive" to an existing configuration using
     mod_proxy_balancer/mod_proxy_ajp is mod_cluster?
         * How much needs to be changed?
  5. How portable is the mod_cluster code?
         * Does it build on Windows?  HPUX?  AIX?

I say this is largely fine and good as I'd like to see just the health-metric based balancing algorithm in Apache 2.2.x itself.
Does mod_cluster provide yet another approach top to bottom (separate than mod_jk and mod_proxy/mod_proxy_ajp)?
Mod_cluster is just a balancer for mod_proxy but due to the dynamic creation of balancers and workers it can't get in the httpd-trunk code right now.
It would seem nice to me if mod_jk and/or mod_proxy_balancer could do health checks, but you have to draw the line somewhere on growing any given module and if mod_jk and mod_proxy_balancer are not going in that direction at some point mod_cluster may be in my future.
Jess Holle

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