On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Jorge Schrauwen wrote:

I know I'm playing with fire now but...

XML based config could solve a few of the problems, XML can also be validated.

I have to admit lua would be more flexible but I think most server
admins have atleast come into contact with XML... while not
necessarily the case with lua.

Fire indeed.

I've never seen lua except for Brians examples just now, and lua seems usable. XML is just as horrible as our current config scheme and wouldn't add much IMHO.

I could add more fire to this, just to stir things up a bit:

Those who can't grasp lua probably couldn't grasp our current config scheme either. I reckon those would be better served with a shiny web-based pointy-clicky config interface, and those people probably couldn't bother less what was happening under the covers...

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     ni...@acc.umu.se
 Acetone = What you do in exercise class...

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