Akins, Brian wrote:

>> This does IMHO not address any of the problems users usually have and
>> that are mainly due to a lack of validation.
> First of all, I don't really care about "normal" users, to be honest. Admit
> it, I'm not the only one.  However, I do know that we can't just break
> everything for them.

While I see the benefits of allowing people to do powerful things with a
programming language configuration, I see far bigger downsides, not the
least of which is that suddenly end users need to learn a new
programming language.

And it's not about how "easy" it is to learn a new programming language,
it is the fact that I have to learn the language at all. I just don't
have time to mess around.

If you come up with a configuration syntax that can keep it simple for
most people, but allows you to plug in a configuration language for
those that need one, you're onto a winner.

But if you try and fix one group of people's problems by causing
additional problems for another group of people, you've achieved nothing.


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