Sander Temme wrote:
> So, rather than threatening to get rid of the module, I move to fold it
> into trunk.

You read my mind; not that ftp needs to be in trunk (that would be cool),
but that trunk has not been released in 4 years, which is a far more serious
issue than mod_ftp's 15 months :)

So at this point, I'm for releasing the separate mod_ftp, until trunk has
a successful release, and then we can decide as a committee if mod_ftp
should be in the 2.4.0/3.0.0 release.  If so, it moves.  If not, we wait
until we get all the way to 2.4.0/3.0.0 before merging it in.

But I wouldn't like to see any new roadblocks to getting out the first
alpha/beta of 2.3.x, at long last.

Does that make good sense?

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