Hi Jeff,

thanks for the quick response!

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 06:09, Jeff Trawick <traw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's fixed in the mod_fcgid in Subversion.  See the "Get It!" information
> at http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/ for how to check out from Subversion.
> That particular issue wasn't fixed in the 2.3.1 beta.  Hopefully we'll have
> another beta out within the next week, and we can use help testing it.
Wait, you say it was fixed and two lines later that it wasn't fixed?
Are you talking about the two different issues of the 500 errors and
the conf per vhost, or am i misunderstanding you? :)

> Previously, server config settings had an interesting property.  If you only
> set them at global scope, they applied to virtual hosts too.  But once you
> configured one mod_fcgid directive in the vhost the other fcgid settings
> would revert to their defaults for that virtual host.  (The same was true
> for per-directory settings.)
So if I fix that in my config, I should be fine?

> (If you want help here you need to use the ASF-distributed mod_fcgid, not
> the now-ancient mod_fcgid 2.2.)
Not a big fan of self-compiled stuff on production systems. I presume
there is no RHEL5 rpm yet? Is anybody on this list sitting on one by
any chance?

kind regards,


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