On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Michael Felt <mamf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, it seems it is all relatively simple - as most solutions tend to be.
> re: AddHandler message: the statement needed to be moved to within
> <IfModule mime_module>
> ....
> </IfModule>
> Probably, my builds were working fine. I am running into other warnings, and
> I am wondering if there is a specific, recommended, or preferred order of
> LoadModule statements so that the built-in part of apache can be limited to
> the four (4) modules I kept seeing from the httpd -l output.
> My feeling now is the main file I will need to update for a distribution is
> httpd.conf and/or the conf/extra directory. Any advice in this line of
> thought is appreciated.

Your covering up a build failure with this. mod_mime should definitely
be available.

Eric Covener

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