> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Danny Sadinoff
> <danny.sadin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2) Virtual hosts
> The above item holds true even across virtual hosts.   So while
> it's possible to adjust the FcgidInitialEnv items on a per-vhost
> basis, this is a recipe for disaster if two vhosts point at the same
> fcgi executable, because the resulting processes with potentially
> different Environments will be inserted into the same pool.  Once that
> occurs, we may expect that a server spawned with config defined in
> vhost A will be parcelled out to vhost B.

The first time that i use mod_fcgid, i probe SetEnv instead
FcgidInitialEnv because i not readed complete the documentation, but
SetEnv and FcgidInitialEnv causes the same effect, the difference is
where you put the SetEnv. The FastCGI especification only needs the
environment variables that uses (FCGI_SOCKET, FCGI_USER, ALLOWED_ENV,
etc.) you could use SetEnv if need more flexibility than

Felipe Alcacibar Buccioni

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