Getting further [in addition to pulling down the obvious additional
dependency, libnet]:

1) check out the last released version of apr and apr-util [v1.3.9]
2) configure, build, and install apr
3) configure, build, and install apr-util [ran into a subtle problem
where installing apr-util writes back into the local build directory,
which was denied because my home directory was root_squashed--rebuilt
apr-util under /var/tmp/apr-util, installed from there, and then moved
it back into my srclib tree].
4) configure & build httpd

Now I'm getting an odd-ball error while building httpd...thoughts?

/bin/cc   -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include -L/usw/sfw/lib
-I/usr/sfw/include -xO4 -xchip=generic -I/usr/sfw/include/openssl
-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE  -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include
-L/usw/sfw/lib -I/usr/sfw/include -I/usr/sfw/include/openssl
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/srclib/pcre -I. -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/os/unix
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/server/mpm/prefork -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/http
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/filters -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/proxy
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/include -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/generators
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/mappers -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/database
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/proxy/../generators -I/usr/sfw/include
-I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/ssl -I/.../httpd-2.2.x/modules/dav/main -c
/usr/local/apr/build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link /bin/cc
-L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include -L/usw/sfw/lib -I/usr/sfw/include
-xO4 -xchip=generic -I/usr/sfw/include/openssl   -L/usr/sfw/lib   -o
httpd  modules.lo buildmark.o -export-dynamic server/
modules/aaa/ modules/aaa/
modules/aaa/ modules/aaa/
modules/aaa/ modules/aaa/
modules/aaa/ modules/aaa/
modules/filters/ modules/filters/
modules/loggers/ modules/metadata/
modules/metadata/ modules/metadata/
modules/ssl/ modules/http/
modules/http/ modules/generators/
modules/generators/ modules/generators/
modules/generators/ modules/mappers/
modules/mappers/ modules/mappers/
modules/mappers/ modules/mappers/
modules/mappers/  server/mpm/prefork/
os/unix/ -lm /.../httpd-2.2.x/srclib/pcre/
/usr/local/apr/lib/ -lexpat -liconv
/usr/local/apr/lib/ -luuid -lsendfile -lrt -lsocket -lnsl
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
__divdi3                            server/.libs/libmain.a(util_time.o)
(symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/local/lib/
__moddi3                            server/.libs/libmain.a(util_time.o)
(symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/local/lib/
__ashldi3                           server/.libs/libmain.a(core.o)
(symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/local/lib/
__ashrdi3                           server/.libs/libmain.a(core.o)
(symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/local/lib/
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to httpd
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `httpd'
Current working directory /.../httpd-2.2.x
*** Error code 1
The following command caused the error:
otarget=`echo all-recursive|sed s/-recursive//`; \
list='  srclib os server modules support'; \
for i in $list; do \
    if test -d "$i"; then \
        target="$otarget"; \
        echo "Making $target in $i"; \
        if test "$i" = "."; then \
                made_local=yes; \
                target="local-$target"; \
        fi; \
        (cd $i && make $target) || exit 1; \
    fi; \
done; \
if test "$otarget" = "all" && test -z 'httpd  '; then \
    made_local=yes; \
fi; \
if test "$made_local" != "yes"; then \
    make "local-$otarget" || exit 1; \

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