On 2010-06-07 at 17:42, "Akins, Brian" <brian.ak...@turner.com> wrote:

> On 6/7/10 9:16 AM, "Dan Poirier" <poir...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Did you profile httpd?  I'm wondering if you had a few non-trivial hooks
>> in lua, if it would be a significant part of the CPU consumption, or
>> would it be swamped by the rest of the processing that always goes on
>> for a request?
> Increasingly, httpd is just there to provide a base to run Lua stuff for us.
> You'd be surprised how easily problems get solved with a few if's and else's
> instead of mounds of rewrite rules.

Not really :-)  I'm a huge fan of general-purpose scripting languages
whenever possible.

> At "normal" load it doesn't really matter - the trade off is worth it
> ("speed" vs simplicity).  However, as the servers get more and more loaded,
> Lua takes a rather large percentage of the CPU. And it's the "Lua stuff" not
> the part that does work.  The constant string hashing, metatable lookups,
> etc.

That's a shame.  I wonder if another embedded language would do better?
E.g. mod_perl, mod_python?  They've both been around for a while. I
wonder why neither has gotten into the server?


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