> And if you can't illustrate a few explicit cases, further abstract arguments
> are likely to be politely, but firmly, ignored.  There are good C language
> forums for folks to carry on such religious arguments.
> Or to put it another way, the dev@ group here is most certainly not worried
> about the general case, as the current design is effective at terminating
> httpd when faced with runaway allocations.

Sure ok :)
You have no complains from me really here. Just this could be an issue
on some platform with some mods potentially :)

I only asked this list because the mod_wsgi guy wasn't checking the
result of memory allocation. The rational as I see it is: there is
only a few cases where this can happen 1: and 2: first the attacker
has to find  a way to reduce system memory to an almost oom condition
by the looks of it.

I dote on his very absence.             -- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant 
of Venice"

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