On 9/24/2010 12:59 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
> I'd like to spend the next two weeks or so looking for the low hanging
> fruit, and tag 2.0.64 as something close to a final tarball in very
> early October so it's truly out of sight, out of mind by ApacheCon.
> Of course I'd love help - does 2 weeks sound reasonable to everyone?
> I'd also like to tag 2.2.17 on about the same timetable, probably not
> nearly as final as 2.0 would be, but there is good stuff there.

Since 10/10/10 seems especially auspicious, I'd like to wrap up release
votes by then (announcing on the 11th after the mirrors catch up), which
means I'd like to T&R both 2.0 and 2.2 on Thursday.

APR-util 1.3 is already tagged, and Jeff is planning to tag 0.9 Thursday.
So my plan is to use the half-baked release for httpd 2.0 tag, and subject
to a successful conclusion of that apr release vote, abide by the release
vote for httpd 2.0 based on another Thursday tag.

STATUS, vote and patch away :)

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