Daniel Ruggeri <DRuggeri <at> primary.net> writes:

> On 8/3/2010 9:57 AM, JeHo Park wrote:
> > hello ~
> > it's my first mail to apache dev .. and i am beginner of the apache. 
> > Anyway ... recently, i wrote transparent proxy [tproxy2] patch to the
> > httpd-2.2.15
> > because i needed web proxy and needed to know the source address of
> > any client who try to connect to my web server
> > and after all, i tested the performance of my patched tproxy with
> > AVALANCHE 2900. if anyone ask me the performance result, i will send
> > it to him [the size of the test result pdf is big size]
> > *- here is the platform infomation this patch applied ---*
> > 1. OS
> > CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
> > 2. KERNEL
> > Linux version 2.6.18-194.el5-tproxy2 (root <at> localhost.localdomain
> > <mailto:root <at> localhost.localdomain>)
> > (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46))
> > #10 SMP Wed May 26 17:35:19 KST 2010
> > 3. iptables
> > iptables-1.3.8 + tproxy2 supporting patch
> > *-- here is the usage of tproxy2 patched httpd configuration ---*
> > httpd.conf
> > <VirtualHost>
> > ProxyTproxy On # On/Off flag
> > ProxyTPifaddr # IP address of bridge interface br0.
> > example) br0 = eth0 + eth1 ....
> > </VirtualHost>
> > i attach the kernel tproxy2 patch to the kernel
> > above[2.6.18-194.el5-tproxy2 ], httpd-2.2.15 tproxy2 patch and kernel
> > configuration for tproxy2
> > above all, i want to know my patch is available or not .. and want
> > feedback from anyone 
> JeHo;
> Hi, can you help me understand what the usage case is for this patch?
> What service or capability does it provide that is not currently available?
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri

I've been trying to configure Apache 2.2.17 for transparency. After applying the
patch I observed that for IPv4 addresses when I try to fetch the client IP after
accept () call, the IP was null. I think, The reason could be attributed to
“--enable-v4-mapped” option due to which Apache treats the incoming IPv4
connections as IPv4 mapped IPv6 addresses and sets the
“(apr_sockaddr_t)->family= APR_INET6”.
So, I expect the option “--disable-v4-mapped” suffice transparency purpose  and
with this option Apache handle IPv4 and IPv6 connections on separate sockets.

Please confirm my understanding OR if it require some additional/extra
configuration. Please let me know the same.

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