Let me know if you need help testing.  I likely can round up some
volunteers as this is something frequently asked about for my clients.


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Keith Mashinter <kmash...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thanks, understood, I'll attach a patch to Bugzilla for the trunk as well in
> the next day or two.
> \|/- Keith Mashinter
> kmash...@yahoo.com
> ________________________________
> From: Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com>
> To: dev@httpd.apache.org; Keith Mashinter <kmash...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:18:04 AM
> Subject: Re: id=51247 Enhance mod_proxy and _balancer with worker status
> flag to only accept sticky session routes
> I like the concept... will review.
> PS: Most patches should be against trunk. We fold into trunk,
>     test and only then propose for backport for 2.2.x
> On May 23, 2011, at 3:10 PM, Keith Mashinter wrote:
>> I've added a patch to the proxy/balancer to allow for route-only workers
>> are only enabled for sticky session routes, allowing for an even more
>> graceful fade-out of a server than making its lbfactor=1 compared to
>> lbfactor=100 for others.
>> Please reply/vote if you also think it's useful.
>> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51247
>> This enhancement, actually SVN Patched against 2.2.19, provides a worker
>> status
>> flag to set a proxy worker as only accepting requests with sticky session
>> routes, e.g. only accept requests with a .route such as Cookie
>> JSESSIONID=xxx.tc2.
>> This allows for a graceful fade-out of servers when their sessions are
>> removed;
>> they continue to receive requests for their sticky session routes but are
>> passed over for requests with no specified route, just as if they were
>> disabled.  In other words, route-only workers are only enabled for sticky
>> session routes.
>> Intended use (Tomcat JSESSIONID noted here but could be PHPSESSIONID, Ruby
>> _session_id, or anything with cookie or request-parameter based session
>> ids):
>> 1. An Apache rev-proxy running for multiple Tomcats.
>> 2. To fade-out a Tomcat for maintenance, set route-only enabled in
>>  the
>> balancer-manager or reload the configuration with the worker status +R.
>> (This depends on Tomcat web-apps delete session cookies, see further
>> below.)
>> 3. Check on the balancer-manager or its Tomcat worker even a few minutes /
>> hours, and when it seems to have completed old sessions you can mark it
>> fully
>> disabled.
>> 4. Once done maintenance, you can then set route-only disabled (status -R)
>> and
>> fully enable the worker again.
>> To delete a JSESSIONID Cookie from a Servlet, you need to specify the same
>> Domain and Path as the original Cookie and setMaxAge=0 as in the typical
>> example below but you should check on your own Domain and Path when a
>> Cookie is
>> created, e.g. watch the Cookie headers in Firefox Firebug.
>>    // To delete a Cookie setMaxAge(0) and also any original domain and
>> path if
>> specified.
>>    Cookie ck = new
>>  Cookie("JSESSIONID", null);
>>    //ck.setDomain("");
>>    ck.setPath(request.getContextPath());
>>    ck.setMaxAge(0);
>>    response.addCookie(ck);
>> \|/- Keith Mashinter
>> kmash...@yahoo.com

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