On 5/25/2011 7:49 AM, Keith Mashinter wrote:
> I've reviewed the other
> patch https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48841 and I
> had a similar idea, wondering if the route-only intent would happen if
> I tried to set lbfactor=0 but it only allowed values 1-100 and I
> worried about the complexity of changing the lbmethod formulae so
> using a separate status code seemed cleaner.  It's a bit of a magic
> value, but an intuitive one I think.  On the user surface lbfactor=0
> requires less change than my ROUTE_ONLY to the configuration and
> balancer-manager but it needs some documentation to clarify the intent.
> I also attached a patch to
> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=51247 for the
> trunk, but since I'm having trouble with the overall compile it's "in
> theory".  Please forgive compile issues, but I wanted to at least
> share the thought and will update when I can verify a compile and test
> run.

Jim/Bill/others who have mentioned this;
   Just wanted to drop a friendly reminder that I'm waiting on direction
between these two options. I can quickly roll a trunk or 2.2 patch for
either of these if there is consensus for either mechanism.

Both will allow for taking a server offline after bleeding traffic away
by means of sending only existing sessions to said server. The
difference is in approach:
48841    Allowing zero as lbfactor tweaks the math a bit for the lbmethods
51247    Adds a Route-Only radio box to balancer manager and a constant
in the code to recognize the change

Daniel Ruggeri

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