Am 26.05.2011 11:10, schrieb Issac Goldstand:
> I just upgraded a machine from 2.2.8 to 2.2.19 and suddenly Apache
> wouldn't let me run non-SSL vhosts on port 443.  A snippet like below:
> <VirtualHost a.b.c.d:443>
> DocumentRoot /home/foo/httpdocs
> ServerName foo
> <Directory "/home/foo/httpdocs/">
> allow from all
> Options +Indexes
> </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> Suddenly caused the following fatal startup error to be logged:
> [error] Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured
> [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] ((null):0)
> Was this an intentional decision made some while ago that I just didn't
> know about or is it a bug?
> (I'd personally only expect to see that with an explicit SSLEngine On
> and no certificate/key files configured)

443 == https

why anybody should use it for http?
there are thousands of other ports (81, 82, 83, 8080...)

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