On 26/05/2011 12:16, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 26.05.2011 11:10, schrieb Issac Goldstand:
>> I just upgraded a machine from 2.2.8 to 2.2.19 and suddenly Apache
>> wouldn't let me run non-SSL vhosts on port 443.  A snippet like below:
>> <VirtualHost a.b.c.d:443>
>> DocumentRoot /home/foo/httpdocs
>> ServerName foo
>> <Directory "/home/foo/httpdocs/">
>> allow from all
>> Options +Indexes
>> </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> Suddenly caused the following fatal startup error to be logged:
>> [error] Server should be SSL-aware but has no certificate configured
>> [Hint: SSLCertificateFile] ((null):0)
>> Was this an intentional decision made some while ago that I just didn't
>> know about or is it a bug?
>> (I'd personally only expect to see that with an explicit SSLEngine On
>> and no certificate/key files configured)
> 443 == https
> why anybody should use it for http?
> there are thousands of other ports (81, 82, 83, 8080...)

Maybe they have some sort of funky config where something in front of
Apache is doing the SSL, and for some odd reason it's important for them
for the vhost to run on 443 regardless.

People have funny ideas sometimes.

I'm not saying that it's intelligent thinging, but regardless the point
is that it breaks compatibility of config files inside the same minor
version of Apache which is... not so good.


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