I think we have all joked on and off about 3.0 for... well about 8 years now.

I think we are nearing the point we might actually need to be serious about it.

The web is changed.

SPDY is coming down the pipe pretty quickly.

WebSockets might actually be standardized this year.

Two protocols which HTTPD is unable to be good at. Ever.

The problem is our process model, and our module APIs.

The Event MPM was a valiant effort in some ways, but mod_ssl and other
filters will always block its progress, and with protocols like SPDY,
falling back to Worker MPM behaviors is pointless.

I think there are exciting things happening in C however.

4 projects that maybe could form the baseline for something new.

pocore: For base OS portability and memory pooling system.
libuv: Portable, fast, Network IO. (IOCP programming model, brought to Unix)
http-parser: HTTP really broken out to simple callbacks.
selene: SSL, redone to better support Async IO.

All of these are young.  Most are incomplete.

But they could be the tools to build a real 3.0 upon.

If we don't, I'm sure others in the web server market will continue to
gain market share.

But I think we could make do it better.  We have the experience, we
know the value of a modules ecosystem, we build stable, quality
software.  We just need to step up to how the internet is changing.




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