On 24 Aug 2011, at 20:13, Jim Jagielski wrote:

>> Another option is just to return 200. Servers MAY ignore the Range header. I 
>> prefer this because existing clients already handle that case well, and 
>> there's no opportunity for a client to exploit this (“malicious” clients 
>> that want the whole entity need only request it).
>> Can anyone see why returning 200 for these complex requests (by ignoring 
>> Range / If-Range) is a bad idea?
> In what cases would we ignore it? Dependent only on >=X ranges?

I don't have any strong opinion about exactly when to ignore Range. From an 
HTTP client PoV I wouldn't want to get 416 from requesting a satisfiable but 
complex range (maliciously or otherwise).

Ignoring Range on (ranges >= X) is simple to implement and easy to document, so 
why not do that?

Tim Bannister – is...@jellybaby.net

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