On Aug 25, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:

> Is it really a good idea to first parse the range string (involving lots of 
> copying with ap_getword), then format it back into a string just to have it 
> parsed by parse_byterange again?

It is if we want to be able to create a correct r->range element
with ap_set_byterange()

Certainly that is where we should be creating the canonical
Range: we are using (or figuring out whether to punt it).
> I would much prefer to have it parsed only once into an array of values and 
> then do the merging in that array. This is more efficient and I think it 
> would also lead to better readability. My original patch for merging/sorting 
> had some code for that which we could reuse:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/httpd-dev/201108.mbox/%3c201108240028.03308...@sfritsch.de%3E

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