On Thursday 25 August 2011, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> On Aug 25, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Jim Jagielski wrote:
> > Using stef's byterange4 test, I'm seeing:
> > 
> > apr_brigade_length (bb=0x7feb00a23200, read_all=1,
> > length=0x7fff6e03e8b0) at apr_brigade.c:201 201             if
> > (bkt->length == (apr_size_t)(-1)) {
> apr_size_t is unsigned.  That's borked.

Still, that's how it's implemented in apr-util:

    /** The length of the data in the bucket.  This could have been 
     *  with a function, but this is an optimization, because the most
     *  common thing to do will be to get the length.  If the length 
is unknown,
     *  the value of this field will be (apr_size_t)(-1).
    apr_size_t length;

Maybe it should actually be APR_SIZE_T_MAX...

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