On 10/4/2011 1:00 PM, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> I think this one has been controversial in the past, therefore I thought I'd 
> ask for
> comments before making this change:

I believe you are right, but I don't see a reason for the extra directive...

> The "File does not exist" log messages are logged at level error, while not 
> providing
> additional information over the 404 access log line (at least in many 
> setups). There have
> been requests to lower the loglevel for these messages (PR 35768), which have 
> been denied
> in the past because of compatibility and "it's an error". The per-module 
> loglevels help
> not much, because most of the "File does not exist" messages come from core, 
> and one
> usually does not want to set LogLevel core:crit.

As you say, it *is* logged (404) and is *not* an administrator's error (either 
web content has invalid links, someone ELSE'S web content has invalid links, or
the user is simply trying arbitrary resource names.

Ergo, this is not a [warn].  Never was.  Because we are talking about *user 
which has no negative connotations except to the user.

Proposed, we drop this to [info] or [debug] and be done with it already.

> I therefore intend to add a LogLevelFileNotFound config directive that allows 
> to make it
> configurable and a "int ap_loglevel_file_not_found(request_rec *)" API that 
> allows modules
> to query the setting. I think per-virtual server would be enough for the 
> setting, but with
> this API that could be changed to per-dir later on.

Sounds like a bikeshed.  I suggest we simply tear it down and replace this with
greenspace, nothing to be confused by, nothing to fill up loglevel warn logs.

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